Sunday, March 3, 2013

Unit Six Assignment

My Research Question is “How could Gene Therapy be used to treat cancer?
The main concepts are “Gene Therapy”, Treat and cancer.
The alternative search terms are:
Gene Therapy= Carrier, Genetically modified, Genetic engineering
Treat= Care, cure, heal
Cancer= Disease, sickness
Use the Academic Search Complete thesaurus to find subject terms for each concept:
Gene Therapy – “Gene Expression”, “Genetic Transformation”, “Cancer Treatment”
Treat – Patients, “Medical care”   
Cancer – Disease, tumors   
Search Statement <”Gene Therapy” AND Treatment AND Cancer

Digiusto, D. L., & Kiem, H. (2012). Current translational and clinical practices in hematopoietic   cell and gene therapy. Cytotherapy.14(7), 775-790. Doi:10.3109/14653249.2012.694420
Theme: In this article Digiusto and Kiem talk about the history of Gene Therapy and what they have discovered about it as well as what kind of results scientists have discovered. In this specific article, they review recent progress in hematopoietic cell and Gene Therapy, describe some of the current issues facing the field of discuss clinical, technical and regulatory approaches used to navigate the road to product development.
Audience: The authors have written this article for librarians but it is useful for other educators and for students as well.
Relevance: This article answers my question by responding to the aspect of what they have discovered about Gene Therapy and what kind of results they have obtained and how well they can take those results and use them to help cure some forms of cancer.
  • Credibility/ Authority:
    DiGiusto, David L:
    Department of Virology and Laboratory for Cellular Medicine, Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope, Duarte, California, USA
    Kiem, Hans-Peter: Clinical Research Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Departments of Medicine and Pathology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA
  • Accuracy: The information is used by librarians and others seeking to support student learning in the research process.
  • Reliability/objectivity: This certain article is found on the EBSCOhost Database as well as many other peer reviewed journals.
  • Currency: This article was published in August of 2012
  • Scope/Purpose:  This information applies to professors, students and anybody else that is interested in General information about Gene Therapy, its background, it’s history, what it is, and how it could help transform lives. 

1 comment:

  1. Excellent work on the assignement, Saleh, but you forgot part 3. I always like to know your impressions of how the week went and what was new to you.

    You did a great job of describing your process and of evaluating the information.

    Keep up the good work and have a restful spring break!

