Sunday, March 31, 2013



1. Anderson, T.D. (2006), “Uncertainty in action: observing information seeking within the creative processes of scholarly research”, Information Research, Vol. 12 No. 1, available at: (accessed 24 December 2006).
·         This is a website
·         I would copy the URL and paste it in the search bar of my web browser and search the open web
·         This item is available online using the provided URL.

2. Belkin, N.J. (1980), “Anomalous states of knowledge as a basis for information retrieval”, Canadian Journal of Information Science, Vol. 5, pp. 133-43.
·         This is an article in a journal
·         I would look under the “Find a Journal at WSU” tab to see if WSU owns this item
·         WSU does not have this item electronically. I was not even able to locate it anywhere. I found the journal it is in, but much newer volumes.

3. Bilal, D. (2000), “Children’s use of the Yahooligans! Web search engine: I. Cognitive, physical and affective behaviors on fact-based search tasks”, Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 5 No. 7, pp. 646-65.
·         This is an article in a journal
·         I would look under the “Find a Journal at WSU” tab to see if WSU owns this item
·         WSU has this item electronically. I clicked on the Wiley Option which is the publishers interface and the journal was located, then the article was located within that journal

4. Case, D. (2007), Looking for Information: A Survey of Research on Information Seeking, Needs and Behavior, 2nd ed., Academic Press, Amsterdam.
·         This is a Book
·         I would use the Griffin catalog on the library home page and do a title search for the book in the entire collection and see if WSU owns a copy of the book.
·         WSU-Vancouver campus does not have it. We would need to request it from the Pullman campus

5. Chowdhury, G.G. (2004), “Access and usability issues of scholarly electronic publications”,
In Gorman, G.E. and Rowland, F. (Eds), Scholarly Publishing in an Electronic Era. International
Yearbook of Library and Information Management, 2004/2005, Facet Publishing, London,
pp. 77-98.
·         This is a chapter in a book
·         I used the Griffin catalog on the library home page and did a title search for the book in the entire collection
·         WSU does not have this item electronically so I will need to request it through ILLiad.

1.      Cook-Deegan, Robert , The Gene Wars: Science, Politics, and the Human Genome, W.W. Norton, 1994.
·                     This is a Book
·                     I would use the Griffin catalog on the library home page and do a title search for the book in the entire collection and see if WSU owns a copy of the book.
·                     WSU-Vancouver campus does not have it. We would need to request it from the Pullman campus

2.      “Biotechnology and Genetics: Breaking Nature's Limits,” The Economist, Feb. 25, 1995.
·         This is an Article in a Journal
·         I would look under the “Find a Journal at WSU” tab to see if WSU owns this item
·         WSU had a link for the actual Journal. I searched for the article by its title and found it.

3.      Cotton, Paul , “High-tech assault on HIV: Gene therapy,” JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association, Oct. 26, 1994, p. 6. 
·                     This is an Article found in a database
·                     I  looked under the “Database” tab on the library’s home page and then clicked on  Academic Search Complete ‘EBSCO HOST’ to see if WSU owns this item
·                     WSU had a link for the article in the EBSCO HOST database. The full text is found online.

·         Name: Current Gene Therapy: the international journal for in-depth reviews on gene therapy
·         Content Type: Academic / Scholarly
·         Refereed / Peer-reviewed. Found under Additional Title Details - Key Features
·         Database that can be used to search for more information from this journal is EBSCO HOST that can be found through the databases from the WSU-V library website

            I am not going to lie, this assignment was a lot of work, and most of it came in the time that it took to find what I needed. I have never once gone back and found an article, book, periodical or anything by its citation. This is the first time that I have ever done that. And I must admit, It was interesting to see that it is possible. I have always looked at the citations and thought to myself, there is no way I can find what I need just by looking at the citation. However, I can now say that I can. I have learned to distinguish between an article, a periodical, a book and a book chapter just by looking at the citation given. Using what I have learned from this class already, I was able to put things together and get this assignment done. 

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Unit Eight Assignment

1. Digiusto, D. L., & Kiem, H. (2012). Current translational and clinical practices in hematopoietic   cell and gene therapy. Cytotherapy.14(7), 775-790. Doi:10.3109/14653249.2012.694420

Theme: In this article Digiusto and Kiem talk about the history of Gene Therapy and what they have discovered about it as well as what kind of results scientists have discovered. In this specific article, they review recent progress in hematopoietic cell and Gene Therapy, describe some of the current issues facing the field of discuss clinical, technical and regulatory approaches used to navigate the road to product development.
Audience: The authors have written this article for librarians but it is useful for other educators and for students as well.
Relevance: This article answers my question by responding to the aspect of what they have discovered about Gene Therapy and what kind of results they have obtained and how well they can take those results and use them to help cure some forms of cancer.
·                     Credibility/ Authority:
DiGiusto, David L: Department of Virology and Laboratory for Cellular Medicine, Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope, Duarte, California, USA
Kiem, Hans-Peter: Clinical Research Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Departments of Medicine and Pathology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA
·                     Accuracy: The information is used by librarians and others seeking to support student learning in the research process.
·                     Reliability/objectivity: This certain article is found on the EBSCOhost Database as well as many other peer reviewed journals.
·                     Currency: This article was published in August of 2012
·                     Scope/Purpose:  This information applies to professors, students and anybody else that is interested in General information about Gene Therapy, its background, it’s history, what it is, and how it could help transform lives. 

2. Parker, M. A. (2011). Biotechnology in the treatment of sensorineural hearing loss: Foundations and future of hair cell regeneration. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 54(6), 1709-1731. Retrieved from

Theme: In this article, the author Mark Parker provides an overview of the methodologies involved in the field of hair cell regeneration. He then presents a review of stem cell and gene therapy and provides a critical appraisal of their application to hair cell regeneration. He indicated that his work had led to new methods of regenerating cochlear hair cells in mammals. However, mammalian hair cell regeneration using stem cell and gene therapy are years -- if not decades -- away from being clinically feasible.
Audience: The author has written this article for librarians but it is useful for other educators and for students as well.
Relevance: This article helps talk about how Gene Therapy could be used like stem cells in regenerating hair cells in mammals.
·                     Credibility/ Authority:
Mark Allen Parker: Assistant Professor, Department of Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, Tufts University. He holds a PhD and is a part of the Otolaryngology/Head & Neck Surgery, Clinical Medicine community.
·                     Accuracy: The information is used by librarians and others seeking to support student learning in the research process.
·                     Reliability/objectivity: This certain article is found on, ProQuest and EBSCOhost Databases as well as many other peer reviewed journals.
·                     Currency: This article was published in August of 2011.
·                     Scope/Purpose:  This information applies to professors, students and anybody else that is interested in General information about Gene Therapy, and how it could be used to help regenerate mammalian hair cells.

3. Donegan, C. (1995, December 8). Gene therapy's future. CQ Researcher5, 1089-1112. Retrieved from

Theme: In this article, the author Craig Donegan talks about how gene therapy could be beneficial in today’s society and today’s health. He talks about both how it could help reverse over 4000 gene mutations and saving people’s lives to it being wrong because now scientists see themselves as godlike because they are tempering with God’s plan. He also discusses a specific case about a 3 month old infant who had Canavan’s disease which is a rare genetic malady that gradually destroys the brain, paralyzing and blinding its young victims where most die before the age of 11 and how her parents turned to the future of gene therapy to save their little girl. He also addresses how researchers have become increasingly frustrated over the number of hurdles that they must clear before undertaking any clinical trials. He also stated that some researchers argue that the regulations that control experiments on human subjects have unnecessarily slowed progress in treating deadly diseases.
Audience: The author has written this article for librarians but it is useful for other educators and for students as well.
Relevance: This article talks discusses what researchers think about the regulations that are currently holding them back from moving forward in their research with their gene therapy and how it could possibly save many lives.
·                     Credibility/ Authority:
Craig Donegan: is a staff writer for CQ Researcher, a weekly news and research publication of Congressional Quarterly.
·                     Accuracy: The information is used by librarians and others seeking to support student learning in the research process.
·                     Reliability/objectivity: This certain article is found on CQ Researcher Database as well as many other peer reviewed journals.
·                     Currency: This article was published in December of 1995.
·                     Scope/Purpose:  This information applies to professors, students and anybody else that is interested in General information about Gene Therapy, and how it could be used to save lives as well as about the regulations that are holding researchers back from moving forward.

The article I am choosing for this part is Gene Therapy’s Future. That is the third article I have found and in the CQ Researcher database. It is one of the articles from Part one of this assignment. The citation of this article is
Donegan, C. (1995, December 8). Gene therapy's future. CQ Researcher5, 1089-1112. Retrieved from

This assignment was very interesting. I never thought about the fact there are many different views on a specific topic. That is what I found out from this assignment. I used 3 different subject specific databases to obtain information about my topic of “Gene Therapy”. This has opened my eyes and made me realize that there are many different viewpoints about I’m sure everything there is out there. I will definitely use this technique next time I have to do research in order to explore my options and come up with the best information I can find to write a great research paper that states all different viewpoints about my topic. 

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Unit Seven Assignment


Disciplines: Index to articles from biological and biomedical journals

Content: Contains mostly abstracts, however, a copy of the full text can be obtained from the “Find it @ WSU” tab

Interface: 3 search bars and more if needed by pressing on the “Add another field” button. Just like what we did with our Boolean assignment, after each search bar, we had the option of choosing AND, OR, or NOT. These are to help us narrow down our research.

v  No specific intended audience. This information appears to everyone or anyone researching for scientific information on a specific topic. However, some of the articles from the search results may be more science heavy than others.
v  This database mostly consists of articles.
v  The source of material in this database comes from journals and magazines.
v  This database covers information from 1969 to present day research
v  There are a lot of point of views that are covered, however, there is no bias.
v  You can mark any specific article that you believe could be useful or just attracts your attention and can place it in the ”Marked List” and can come back to it later.
v  A HELP button is available and it provides information about the results and what kind of data may be included. It provides ways to refine your research, help analyzing the data and more.

Reflection: I am a biology major and have had to write many scientific papers whether they were research papers of lab write up. I have used this database many times to help me with my papers because it is simple to use and have found it to contain a lot of valuable information. This was an interesting assignment because I have never gone in detail with this database. I just normally look for what I need and call it good. But this process has helped me find out more information about this database and what it is all about. All these assignments that we are doing with databases have helped me a lot. Too bad I did not take this class my first year here at this University because I know I would have benefited a lot from it.  

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Unit Six Assignment

My Research Question is “How could Gene Therapy be used to treat cancer?
The main concepts are “Gene Therapy”, Treat and cancer.
The alternative search terms are:
Gene Therapy= Carrier, Genetically modified, Genetic engineering
Treat= Care, cure, heal
Cancer= Disease, sickness
Use the Academic Search Complete thesaurus to find subject terms for each concept:
Gene Therapy – “Gene Expression”, “Genetic Transformation”, “Cancer Treatment”
Treat – Patients, “Medical care”   
Cancer – Disease, tumors   
Search Statement <”Gene Therapy” AND Treatment AND Cancer

Digiusto, D. L., & Kiem, H. (2012). Current translational and clinical practices in hematopoietic   cell and gene therapy. Cytotherapy.14(7), 775-790. Doi:10.3109/14653249.2012.694420
Theme: In this article Digiusto and Kiem talk about the history of Gene Therapy and what they have discovered about it as well as what kind of results scientists have discovered. In this specific article, they review recent progress in hematopoietic cell and Gene Therapy, describe some of the current issues facing the field of discuss clinical, technical and regulatory approaches used to navigate the road to product development.
Audience: The authors have written this article for librarians but it is useful for other educators and for students as well.
Relevance: This article answers my question by responding to the aspect of what they have discovered about Gene Therapy and what kind of results they have obtained and how well they can take those results and use them to help cure some forms of cancer.
  • Credibility/ Authority:
    DiGiusto, David L:
    Department of Virology and Laboratory for Cellular Medicine, Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope, Duarte, California, USA
    Kiem, Hans-Peter: Clinical Research Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Departments of Medicine and Pathology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA
  • Accuracy: The information is used by librarians and others seeking to support student learning in the research process.
  • Reliability/objectivity: This certain article is found on the EBSCOhost Database as well as many other peer reviewed journals.
  • Currency: This article was published in August of 2012
  • Scope/Purpose:  This information applies to professors, students and anybody else that is interested in General information about Gene Therapy, its background, it’s history, what it is, and how it could help transform lives.