Sunday, April 7, 2013

Unit Ten Assignment

  1.  This student receives a grade of ONE (1). This student mixed his own ideas with the author’s ideas. He had 4 quotes from the original text but did not really attempt to explain them at all. They were just listed. He began with his own ideas but then continued by presenting quotes. He did not even attempt to combine his ideas with the quotes he used. He quoted the page number that his info came from at the end of his paragraph. The source is documented but indicates that it came from pages 46-53 when the original text only states page 46.
  2. This student receives a grade of TWO (2). This student mixed his own ideas with the author’s ideas. He presented some information from the original text but mostly all in his own wording. There was an occasional attempt to discriminate.  The voice of the writer is heard. After he discussed the author words, he began to relate it something else but giving an example. However this other example was not cited. Page number was in student’s text after information from source was stated. The source is documented but indicates that it came from pages 46-53 when the original text only states page 46.
  3. This student receives a grade of NEGATIVE ONE (-1). This student had inadequate documentation and his citations were a bit unclear. Information that barely relates to original work was stated. It seems as if this student was very biased. It was impossible to determine what was the students own words and what information was obtained from a source. No indication of what is what because nothing was cited in the actual text. It seems as if there were two citations, however as mentioned earlier, it was hard to tell which one was used when. No parenthetical citation was present in students work.
  4. This student receives a grade of NEGATIVE Three (-3). This student just summarizes the original text in whole. No use of students own work or words. He used the work of someone else as his ideas without giving them credit. No citations were provided in text or after. There is a clear intention that the reader wanted others to believe that the work provided was his own but it is not.
  5. This student receives a grade of THREE (3). This student made it possible to distinguish his own words from the original source. He mentioned the original source by the authors name. Material was presented accurately and in a way that indicated that the student understood the original text. However, it was a little bit hard to understand how what was mentioned earlier from the original source and the students own work to was being said at the end. The source of the material was not distorted. The information was cited properly, but the page numbers were also different, original text states page 46. This students work states pages 46-53.

1 comment:

  1. Saleh,
    You did a very detailed job of looking at these paragraphs and evaluating both citation information and how the original paragraph integrated into the student work. I do not grade this on whether we agree on the scores as much as your general understanding of the issues.
    Great job,
