Sunday, February 3, 2013

Unit Two Assignment

1. I have to do a paper on bio-geography but I don’t really know what that is. Where should I look for information and why?
-Subject encyclopedias, statistics reference books, and/or online statistical sources
-Years after...
-Secondary source

2. I have heard that the climate is changing and some people say it is getting warmer. Where can I find information on the change in temperature?
- Broadcast media, newspapers, and/or web-based news, 
-The week of...
-Primary source

3. I am a psychology major and I am going to be doing an internship at a group home. I hear that the young people who live there have problems with anger. Where can I find practical information from experts on how to intervene if someone gets mad and wants to fight?
-Books, Magazines, scholarly journals, and/or newspapers
-The week of/The weed after...
-Secondary source

4. A professor is writing a grant to the National Science Foundation to get funding for a research project to study the effect of DDT on ground water. The NSF needs to know that there is a foundation of research on which to build this study. Where will the professor get the kind of information that will convince the NSF to fund the project?
-Subject encyclopedias, statistics reference books, online statistical sources, books, and/or scholarly journals
-Years after...
-Secondary Source

5. I heard on the radio that there are killer bees coming north from Central America. How do I find out if they are in Washington State, yet?
-Broadcast media, newspapers, and/or web based news
-The week of...
-Primary Source

6. I have heard that there was a man who was president of the United States for one day. Where would I find out who that was?
-Books, encyclopedias, statistical reference books, online statistical sources, and/or scholarly journals
-Years after...
-Secondary Source

7. My instructor wants peer reviewed articles for my research paper. Where are those?
-Information that has been read and reviewed by others in the same field to better or enhance the work in/on that field
-All stages of the inforamation cycle
-Secondary Source

8. Where can I find some primary sources about the pioneers who came west?
-Books, Subject encyclopedias, and/or scholarly journals, 
-Years after...
-Secondary Source

9. I need to know everything I can about honey bees. Where should I look?
-Books, Subject encyclopedias, and/or scholarly journals, 
-Years after...
-Secondary Source

10. What kind of outfits does Lady Gaga wear?
-Newspapers, web based news, broadcast media, and/or magazine  
-Anywhere from the day of.. till a year after...
-Primary Source


  1. Great job, Saleh!!
    You must have misread #8 as it asks where to find primary sources. There are actually some encyclopedia in the library that have reproductions of primary documents, though, so you were not totally off the mark.
    Keep up the good work,

  2. Oh sorry. But thank you for the feedback :)
